Exploration Tour with Martin Luther King Jr. (Virtual Tour to countries MLK Travelled to)

This MLK Day, Join the Carroll Technology Innovation Council and Expanding Boundaries International for MLK Day. Computers will be offered to eligible households, and all families and individuals can enjoy activities and food.  Countries MLK traveled to for his diplomatic missions. Participants, who are students, educators, and parents, will join us on Zoom to travel virtually with Expanding Boundaries International to learn and explore Ghana, India, Norway, and Germany through interactive Google Earth.

We will learn about history – What was happening in these countries around that time, who was the president, if any, at that time, and why Dr Martin was there as an American Icon.

We will end our fun interactive trip on food, dance, taboos, and the educational system of these countries, allowing our participants to conclude the differences and similarities between these countries and our country, the United States of America. 

Participants will receive a worksheet to travel alongside us and a virtual passport stamp as a World Explorer.

The event starts Monday, Jan 15, 2024, from 10 am to 12:00 pm EST.


LINK TO SIGN UP – https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kc–gqTIqGdJCu7hOlqLW4BxLt7fRGLLp

S.T.E.A.M. Exchange Saturdays

Our STEAM Exchange program continues this FALL.

This year, it’s open to youth ages 8 to 16 based in Carroll County & Baltimore, Maryland, surrounding areas, and our Ghana students.
An interactive exchange camp focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts (Culture) & Mathematics (S.T.E.A.M.) with students in Ghana and the United States.